Hosting tips

Whether you are hosting a group or one-on-one Braindate, here are some tips on how to successfully host a Braindate.

When you post a topic

  • Make sure you enter relevant keywords so we can find your topic easily
  • Explain what ‘inspired’ this topic, so we can understand the context of the conversation
  • Choose the right ‘conversation style’ so we know what to expect in terms of knowledge sharing and conversation format
  • Post on social media using an AIEC Braindate promo tile to ask others to join your Braindate!
  • When a new person joins your group, post a welcome message in the chat. E.g., Hi [name]! Looking forward to connecting with you next week!
  • Message your fellow attendees via chat with any relevant information, articles, useful links and or questions to think about before the planned Braindate.
  • To minimise the number of no-shows, send a reminder message the day before. E.g., Looking forward to our Braindate tomorrow!
  • For one-on-one braindates, make sure you answer all requests

In the lead up to the braindate

  • When a new person joins your group, post a welcome message in the chat. E.g., Hi [name]! Looking forward to connecting with you next week!
  • Message your fellow attendees via chat with any relevant information, articles, useful links and or questions to think about before the planned Braindate.
  • To minimise the no. of no-shows, send a reminder message the day before. E.g., Looking forward to our Braindate tomorrow!
  • For one-on-one braindates, make sure you answer all requests

During the braindate

Braindates are not presentations, they are conversations that stem from a shared interest.

Whether it’s a one-on-one or group braindate, keep the following tips in mind to lead a meaningful braindate for everyone involved:

  • Make sure everyone introduces themselves and contributes to the discussion
  • Ask the participant(s) what interested them about the topic.
  • Be transparent and honest about your own experience related to the topic: you don’t need to be an expert to lead a braindate.
  • Don’t forget that everyone has something interesting they can add to the conversation: adopt a beginner’s mindset.
  • Don’t forget to share contact information: many great relationships started with a simple conversation.

For group braindates

  • Use the first five minutes for intention-sharing and ensuring everyone gets to introduce themselves to the group
  • Use the last five minutes to wrap-up and recap on take-aways
  • You can continue chatting with the group via chat messaging – this is another final way to thank the group for their contribution

After the braindate

  • You can continue chatting with the group via chat messaging – this is another final way to thank the group for their contribution.