The 'World in focus’ - 2021 series

The ‘World in focus’ is series of short on demand video presentations that aim to provide valuable insights about trends, perceptions and opportunities specific to a particular country, region or economy, and to facilitate a deeper understanding of a particular market and inform strategic planning.

Each video focuses on one country or region, and on one perspective, i.e.:

  • Market updates by Austrade
  • Policy updates by DESE
  • Student insights by IDP

They are meant to replace the traditional and very popular ‘in focus’ panel sessions at previous AIECs, by offering flexibility and opportunity for AIEC delegates to watch these short, yet content-heavy, presentations at their own pace and in their own time.

We encourage you to watch these short videos before the conference starts and use the virtual platform engagement tools to connect with presenters during the conference week itself.  Representatives from Austrade, DESE and IDP will be available during the conference week for deep dives via Braindates, drop-in sessions at their virtual booths or by one-one-one appointments.

View list of World in focus presentations

Key dates

11 February - Call for proposals opens

14 March - Call for proposals closes

May - Registration open

mid-June - Program released

31 July - Super early bird registration closes

12 September - Early bird registration closes

14–17 October – AIEC 2025