International Education Association of Australia

IEAA is Australia’s leading association for international education. IEAA strives to empower professionals, engage institutions and enhance Australia’s reputation as a provider of world-class education.

IEAA provides advocacy and member services relevant to professional staff, academics and teachers across all sectors. The Association delivers high-quality professional learning to advance members’ careers and enhance the quality of Australian international education.

IEAA also drives new research to highlight emerging trends, inform strategy and policy, and enrich the sector's knowledge. Together with affiliated bodies, corporate partners and government, IEAA works together to promote the benefits of international education to the broader community.


If you are interested in joining IEAA, either as a professional member or organisational member, visit the IEAA website for more details. 

IEAA Excellence Awards

IEAA's Excellence Awards recognise the outstanding contributions by individuals and teams to international education in Australia. They also provide a benchmark of excellence and best practice for the entire sector.

Nominations for the IEAA Excellence Awards usually open in May, and close in June. The IEAA winners are announced in October, during the AIEC Opening Plenary.

Visit the IEAA website for details.

IEAA Networks

IEAA networks bring together like-minded colleagues to exchange ideas and insights. Membership is free and open to all members.

Representatives from each of the IEAA Networks are represented on the AIEC Program Committee.

IEAA also hosts IEAA Young Professionals, which supports up and coming staff in international education looking to accelerate their careers.

Visit the IEAA website for details.

IEAA Fellowship Program

The IEAA Fellowship is a professional credential that rewards IEAA members for their education, experience and engagement. Whether you’re new to the sector and aspiring to great heights, or you’re a longstanding professional with many years of experience, get the recognition you deserve!

An IEAA Fellowship enables you to:

  • gain recognition for your skills and experience
  • track your development and engagement
  • demonstrate your commitment to your career. 
Visit the IEAA website for details.
Key dates

21 March - Call for proposals opens

12 April - Call for proposals closes

30 May - Registration open

July - Program released

31 July - Super early bird registration closes

13 September - Early bird registration closes

22–25 October – AIEC 2024