AIEC Session formats

Learning and knowledge-sharing at AIEC is offered through a range of different sessions formats. Some sessions such as cafés place more focus on peer-to-peer learning and sharing and are more interactive.  Other formats, such as panels and presentations, offer less interaction and focus more on sharing of information by experts.

The below session formats are currently available through the call for proposals.  A complete list of session types at AIEC can be found at AIEC session types.

Please note sessions will not be livestreamed. Selected sessions may be recorded - more details to come. 



A café is a large group discussion technique designed to encourage small, intimate and information discussions around a central topic. There is no formal presentation or speech, but the facilitator will provide time at the end of the session for some group reporting. 

Number of facilitators: 1 to 4 facilitators
Duration: 60 minutes, including 10 minutes for group reporting

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'Inspire' Session

This presentation format provides the opportunity for  speakers to present on a particular topic for exactly 14 minutes. 

Presentations will be grouped with other inspire presentations into a 60-minute session (maximum of three presentations per session), with only 1 minute changeover time in between presentations. They are designed to be fast-paced, focused and content-heavy presentations.

It's a great platform to present findings from a research project or a case study or showcase best practice.

The last 15 minutes of the session will be question time. Presenters are encouraged to network with delegates after the session or through Braindates.

Number of speakers: 1 or 2 presenters
Duration: 60 mins (3 presentations plus 15min Q&A)

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Panels are structured sessions with a set time for each panellist to present (approximately 8 to 12 minutes depending on how many panellists there are, followed by a 15-minute Q&A at the end of the session. Each speaker brings a different perspective or presents a different view about the same topic.  

Number of speakers: 2 to 3 speakers, plus 1 chair

Duration: 60 minutes, including 15 minutes for Q&A

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A 60-minute presentation is usually reserved for very detailed research presentations or for expert presentations. They usually run like a panel session, but there are only one or two presenters who present on the same topic.

Number of speakers: 1 or 2 presenters
Duration: 60 minutes

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Key dates

11 February - Call for proposals opens

14 March - Call for proposals closes

May - Registration open

mid-June - Program released

31 July - Super early bird registration closes

12 September - Early bird registration closes

14–17 October – AIEC 2025