Inspire Presentation
Number of speakers: 1 or 2 presenters
Duration: 14 minutes
A short 14-minute presentation by one or two (but no more than two) is a great way to present findings from a research project, best/innovative practices, or case studies or provide expert advice or commentary on a particular issue or challenge.
They are designed to be fast-paced, content-heavy sessions (usually with a PowerPoint presentation).
These presentations will be grouped and will run back-to-back throughout the day in session slots of 60 minutes, and delegates can choose to attend one presentation at a time or stay for all the presentations in the session.
Session outline
Presentations will be grouped together in a 60-minute session slot with a maximum of 3 presentations. The last 15 minutes of the session will be dedicated to question time from the audience for any of the presenters.
The full 14 minutes is dedicated to the presentation (including a one-minute introduction by the Chair). Therefore, there will be no opportunity for questions from the audience during this time.
- 1 min – Speaker introduces him/her/themselves
- 12 min – Presentation
- 1 min – Wrap-up – Final remarks and information (when will the speaker be at the Inspire Lounge, where to find more information, contact information
There will be a timer on the stage in front of the presenter. The timer will start counting down from 14 minutes as soon as the presenter(s) begin to speak.
An AIEC 2024 presentation template will be provided to all speakers closer to the conference date. You will also be able to download the template here when available.
Room set-up and audio-visual
The room will be set up in theatre style.
Two podiums will be set up on opposite sides of the stage to enable back-to-back presentations (with no break time in between), and speakers will need to be ready to begin their presentation as soon as the other presentation has finished.
Each podium will be equipped with a lectern, laptop, microphone, preview monitor, and wireless presenter (clicker).
A data projector and screen will be set up in the centre of the stage for the presentations.
Inspire Lounge
Since these presentations only allow for 15-minute question time at the end of the session, speakers are encouraged to continue the conversation with interested delegates at the Inspire Lounge (situated near the presentation room) or via Braindates, which will be hosted in-person at the Braindate Lounge.
Speakers must be available to present in person.
By registering for this event, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the AIEC Privacy Policy and the Code of Conduct.
11 February - Call for proposals opens
14 March - Call for proposals closes
May - Registration open
mid-June - Program released
31 July - Super early bird registration closes
12 September - Early bird registration closes
14–17 October – AIEC 2025