Hot topics

The 2024 AIEC program offers a rich selection of some of the most important issues impacting International Education. The program has something for everyone and features policy updates, market insights, examples of good practice, research findings, innovative use of technology, new models of learning and teaching, and industry trends. Our program sessions draw on the findings of research, case studies and leaders in the field of international education.

Here are some of the topics that will be explored and discussed at AIEC 2024.

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Strategic insights

Essential insights and market intelligence designed to help you plan for the immediate and longer term:

  • Global dialogue: updates from International Education Associations around the world
  • Mitigating the impact of international education on the climate
  • Australia’s shifting landscape in the global student market
  • Designing internationalisation strategies through indigenous values
  • Global student flows: understanding the next wave
  • Building better TNE strategies
  • How geopolitics affects Australia’s international education
  • Global demographic shifts and implications for international education
  • What bilateral US-Australian government priorities signal for international education
  • Research vs reality – financial pressures relating to the cost of living and accommodation
  • Keys to success for Australian universities in the Middle East
  • Charting new horizons from South Asia
  • Expanding Australia’s offshore delivery
  • Diversifying Asian student cohorts
  • Growing Australia’s forgotten emerging markets: A focus on Latin Europe
  • Skills solutions in Southeast Asia
  • Trends in Sino-Foreign Higher Education TNE programs
  • Innovations in learning abroad for global impact
  • The cost of student acquisition conundrum
  • Measuring the ROI of scholarships in student recruitment
  • TNE in emerging markets
  • The future of Australia-China school partnerships
  • What’s ahead for TNE in India?
  • Global perspectives on the quality of English language education
  • Promoting the value of international education to Australia

Country and Regional insights

Dedicated country and region-specific sessions to ensure you have the latest updates on developments and opportunities including: 

  • Bhutan
  • Cambodia
  • China
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Kenya
  • Laos
  • Latin Europe
  • Nigeria
  • Philippines
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Korea
  • Southeast Asia
  • Taiwan
  • Vietnam

Marketing insights

Key sessions that focus on innovations in marketing, communications and recruitment:

  • Humanising the digital customer journey
  • Using data and AI to build real relationships with prospective students
  • Student driven marketing and communication
  • Managing multi-country portfolios and staying human
  • Leveraging WhatsApp to engage international students from Asia
  • New international student recruitment channels
  • The pursuit of genuine students in India
  • How future international students engage with content
  • Global perspectives on shifting agent perceptions
  • Monitoring agent aggregators
  • Digital marketing trends
  • Market diversification strategies

Student insights

Sessions dedicated to helping you to better understand, support and engage with international students:

  • Voice of the international student
  • Supporting best practice international student engagement and experience
  • The human element of ESOS compliance: what do our students think?
  • Innovations in career support for international student career readiness
  • Engaging your student leaders in a globalised world
  • Insights into the international student journey
  • The experiences of Latin American students in Australia
  • Understanding the impact of hostile policy on the international student experience
  • Creative initiatives for student success
  • New visa protections for international students
  • Women’s empowerment programs for international students
  • Harnessing student voice and partnerships
  • Hybrid approaches to delivering student services
  • Revolutionising employability for international students
  • Creating human connections between employers and international students

Policy insights

Latest policy changes presented by policy makers, government representatives and other key experts in the field:

  • Policy headwinds: a 360 analysis of issues facing Australia, UK and Canada
  • Policy directions in international education
  • English language policy settings
  • New visa settings: impact of complaints to the Commonwealth Ombudsman
  • Modernisation of PRISMS
  • New Colombo Plan
  • Australian National Strategy for International Education

Innovation and technology insights

New ways of working smarter, teaching, learning and engaging through technology:

  • The intersection of AI and human values in international admissions
  • AI in the teaching and learning context
  • Applying UDL to online courses for international students
  • Assessment Renaissance: authentic design in the era of generative AI
  • AI in international education: challenges and opportunities in student engagement
  • Using data and AI to build real relationships with prospective students
  • Cyber attack preparedness and response in international education
  • Building authentic international student communities in a tech-led world

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Key dates

21 March - Call for proposals opens

12 April - Call for proposals closes

30 May - Registration open

July - Program released

31 July - Super early bird registration closes

13 September - Early bird registration closes

22–25 October – AIEC 2024