Conversation styles
All braindates (whether group or one-on-one) will need to follow a conversation format. If you are hosting a Braindate, you will need to decide this before you can post your topic on the Topic Market. This will be visible to other participants browsing the marketplace.
Help me solve
Meet to discuss a challenge or quest that someone is facing. This type of braindate works well for people looking for fresh perspectives or feedback.
A collaborative session where people meet to generate ideas about a real project, opportunity or problem to solve. Pick this type of braindate if you're looking to get your most creative and productive juices flowing.
Storytelling has always been a powerful vehicle for sharing lessons learned from a lived experience while also learning from people's interpretations. Choose this type of braindate if you like learning and connective with people on a more personal level.
Ask me anything
A braindating classic. Pick this type of braindate to share your insights about a topic you're passionate about. Don't overthink this one: there's no need to be an expert, and if you consider yourself one, see what new insights you can draw from the conversation!
Open discussion
Spark a discussion around a shared interest, without a specific outcome in mind. This type of braindate lets a topic unfold on its own, depending on what each person is bringing to the conversation.
Friendly debate
A conversation format designed to help you explore ideas you might not agree with. This braindate is great for opening your mind or challenging your own perspective about a topic you care about.
21 March - Call for proposals opens
12 April - Call for proposals closes
30 May - Registration open
July - Program released
31 July - Super early bird registration closes
13 September - Early bird registration closes
22–25 October – AIEC 2024