Know your target audience
In the proposal, you will be asked to pick a conference track (key interest area) and provide more information about who the intended audience of your session is.
Knowing who the AIEC audience is, will help you make your session relevant and increase your chances of success. Ensure your proposed session is relevant to international education professionals and aligns with one or more of the conference’s key interest areas, a.k.a. conference tracks and sectors showcased in the program.
What is international education?
International education refers to education that transcends national borders. This can include students travelling from their home country to study in another destination, attending an international branch campus in one’s home country, study abroad or student exchange or online study with an overseas provider. It aims to connect people from different societies and encourage students to be active and engaged participants in an interconnected world.
International education statistics
Key interest areas
Key interest areas (KIAs) – sometimes referred to as conference or program 'tracks’ – are the general categories into which the content of AIEC presentations and sessions are organised and aligned with specific AIEC target audiences. These broad categories help plan a diverse and balanced program that caters to everyone’s needs.
Key interest areasWho attends AIEC?
To find out more about delegates' profiles, where they come from, where they work and what type of organisations attend the conference, visit who attends.
11 February - Call for proposals opens
14 March - Call for proposals closes
May - Registration open
mid-June - Program released
31 July - Super early bird registration closes
12 September - Early bird registration closes
14–17 October – AIEC 2025